How to Write Raps (Booklet): A Beginners Guide to Writing Raps is now available.
The physical copy of the How to Write Raps (Booklet): A Beginners Guide to Writing Raps by the DailyRapFacts Team with the ISBN 978-1-7360769-2-7 is in stock and is now available for purchase. Published by DailyRapFacts/DRF Books.
Our ‘How to Write Raps: A Beginners Guide to Writing Raps’ booklet guide is included in the inner envelope pocket of each copy of a RHYMEBOOK. How to Write Raps (Booklet) includes example rhyme schemes, example rap song, & more.
How to Write Raps (Booklet) is available now on The Official DailyRapFacts Store and on Amazon Prime. Please visit for more information.
Book details can be found here.