Rap Scores is now available
Rap Gradebook

Rap Scores is now available

Rap Scores: A Rap/Hip-Hop Gradebook is now available.

The physical copy of the Rap Scores: A Rap/Hip-Hop Gradebook by the DailyRapFacts Team with the ISBN 978-1-7360769-5-8 is in stock and is now available for purchase. Published by DailyRapFacts/DRF Books, this book has perforated pages.

Rap Scores is a fun Hip-Hop activity book. Grade your favorite rappers, songs, and albums by bars, beats, creativity, originality, flow, features, and more. Grade each section with a number from 1-10 (1 being the lowest, 10 being the highest). The three categories are RAPPERS/RAP GROUPS, SONGS, and ALBUMS.

Rap Scores: A Rap/Hip-Hop Gradebook is available now on The Official DailyRapFacts Store and on Amazon Prime. Please visit RapScores.com for more information.

Book details can be found here.

Rap Gradebook
Rap Scores Albums
Rap Scores Gradebook
Rap Scores Gradebook